Nikon D7000, 12-24mm @14, ISO 125, 1/125, f8
I decided to share another photo from the Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park. Yesterday, I bought a new iMac computer and have been flying through my photos. My old computer couldn't keep up with Lightroom 3 and CS5 so I had to stop processing till yesterday.
Norris Geyser Basin is slowly turning into one of my favorite stops in Yellowstone. I have mentioned it before in past Photo of the Week post that Norris was an area that I really wanted to spend some time. In the previous post I really wanted a sunset to cast nice golden light on the geysers. I am so thankful that I waited for the right time of day to visit this magical place.
I strongly recommend grabbing a wide angle lens and a tripod and spend sometime at Norris Geyser Basin!