
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Photo of the Week! Bull Elk, YNP

Nikon D7000, Nikkor 300mm f2.8 w/TC14e II, ISO 800, 1/500, f4

This bull elk was relaxing near the road by Madison Junction in Yellowstone National Park. All week during my visit this bull elk and his ladies where near the road. With such easy access to the elk harem, they were constantly surrounded by people. Early on my last morning however, he got his opportunity to enjoy a early season snowfall. 

The window had closed once more and more people got out of their cars and got a little too close. I was talking with another photographer when several other people walked right up the the bull elk with their cell phones to get a up close photograph. I was really afraid that this guy was going to get injured. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Photo of the Week! Oxbow Bend, GTNP

Nikon D7000, Sigma 24-70mm @48mm, f10, 1/125, ISO 200

Oxbow Bend in Grand Teton National Park is one of my all time favorite spots to photograph. Yes, its heavily photographed place and there is alway other photographers there, however, it is a magical place. Every time I've been there I come home with a new experience. Anything from someone next to me that doesn't know how to use their new D3 or posting a photo online and having someone comment that they were standing next to me. If you ever get the chance to photograph this place don't shy way thinking that its already been done! 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Photo of the Week! Temperance River State Park

Nikon D7000, 12-24mm, f16, ISO 200, 3 shot HDR

I'm trying to remember warmer times in Minnesota. Winter hasn't been that rough this year, we've hardly had any snow and for the most part its been in the 30-40's. However, the last few days has been much much colder. This photo is from Temperance River State Park along Minnesota's north shore. The state park system on the north shore is nothing but fantastic! One of my favorites being Split Rock State Park, but they all are good places to visit. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Photo of the Week! Bow Falls, Without the Falls!

This amazing view is from Bow Falls in Banff National Park. At the urging of Derek I went back through my Lightroom catalog in search of some photos that I overlooked. Well here it is... I overlooked this one! This was an incredible place. The falls were off to the left and there were fisherman off to the right. Of course the water color is amazing and the highway of rocks takes your view to the distance mountains.