
Sunday, January 9, 2011

2011 Goals and Looking Forward

Well here we are in 2011. Now with 2010 wrapped up and looking back at my Top 10 of 2010, I've been thinking about what I'd like to accomplish in 2011.

There are some specific images I'd like to get. Last year it was a Ring-necked Duck, which I eventually got. This year is a Northern Hawk Owl. Not just any shot, but the shot. Possibly a Great Gray, but they are harder to come by here. There are other species that I'd like a chance at, like Grizzly Bears and Black Bears. And some long time species that I'd like are Coyotes and Red Fox. American Kestrels have long been on my short list as well.

I'd also like to make a goal of exploring and photographing northern Minnesota. I live in the Twin Cities area and don't make it up north often enough, especially in the spring/summer/fall. A book or calendar of northern Minnesota seems like a good project.

I'm also looking to accomplish some video projects. My "National Parks" video was the by-product of a vague idea, and some random video footage, mostly with a pocket video camera. This year I'm looking to make a few more purposed videos.

Lastly, but perhaps the most important is the continuation of this blog and website. Derek and I have maintained this website for a couple of years. Mostly off and on though. Since our recommitment in October we've watch the pageviews sky rocket from 0 in June of 2010 to 3,400+ last month. It keeps us motivated, it keeps us shooting and creating content. So thank you so much to everybody who visits!

So there you have it, my goals are written down for everyone to see. Now I'm commited! This time next year I'll have to own up to this post. Hopefully I will have accomplished my goals and maybe even experience some things that I didn't even think of. Only time will tell...

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